Monday, February 24, 2014

Simple tool to sort out your balcony: Plastic Fences

When I was young I have many wonderful ideas about how my house would looks like. And because at that time, we were poor students, we couldn’t imagine how luxurious our house would show in the world's eyes. We only could imagine what kind of style our house would be and what we really want to put in our house. I still remembered my answer when my friend asked me the same question, I spoke out loudly that I want my house to have a big balcony, while all my friends said they want to have a big villa with big swimming pool.

After all this years, I still want to have a big balcony in my backyard. So I could sit in the pavilions and enjoy the scenery of the courtyard in four seasons of the year. When spring is coming, I could use the plastic fences to circle the area which is belongs to me, and make my backyard looks more clean and tidy. And when I have time, I could use the scissor to cut the grasses to have the same height, and give my fruiter fertilizers. And when summer comes, I could sit under the trees and having fun with my friends. The autumn would be the happiest season as we could harvest the fruits. While in the winter, we could hide behind the window and see how the green plants facing the challenge from nature and tell stories to our family members.
Plastic Fences
But now I still haven’t have money to own such a pretty house right now. But I still have the wonderful dreams about my house. And they are my driving force for me to face the heavy workload and heavier work pressure. Each time, I felt I want to give up my job, or when I was get hurt, I would think of my dream house, and then I would have power to face the big challenge again.

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