Saturday, December 24, 2011

Finding your way without street signs

Maybe it is a leftover gene from our caveman ancestors, but many people love nature and enjoy being outdoors. We smell the flowers, watch the birds and some of us will even pack a knapsack and hitch up a mountain to be embraced by a beautiful landscape. Others are even more addicted and will plan an annual nature escape with the entire family. They will collect their tent, provisions, outdoor gear and gadgets and head out into the woods, assuming they are thoroughly prepared.There are countless reasons why campers get lost, and most of the time they are completely avoidable. Some of Syma s107 upgrade the most common mistake hikers and campers make is to be unprepared and not pack a map and compass, just because they assume they are safe on clearly marked trails. It may be true that nothing unusual will happen when following clearly the marked routes, but it would not be the first time that travelling companions are not paying attention and unintentionally miss their turn-off at a road crossing.It is important that everyone who RC Air Swimmers wants to safely enjoy their camping trips should learn basic navigation techniques, including reading a map and compass. Furthermore, is it important to sharpen concentration and observation skills. Indeed, trained navigators use all their senses in the wilderness. Observing and detecting essential clues, smelling and also hearing even the faintest sounds are all key attributes that cannot be ignored. An unusual rushing sound in the distance may actually be a river that is marked on your area map, and all you need to find your way safely back to civilization.Whenever exploring the outdoors, make sure you pack the right map, that it is waterproofed and that you know how to read it. Also, be familiar with its scale. Today, more advanced navigation products are available to adventurous travelers, including global positioning systems (GPS). Unfortunately, as sophisticated as these gizmos are, they do have serious limitations and ask yourself, what do you do when mountains obscure your satellite signal, or your battery runs low? In that case I hope you did S107 helicopter pack a map as a back-up!

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