Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Churches must advertise for outreach

What reasons does your church have with advertising? More than you may think goes into church outreach ideas. I wonder if your church is like this and not even thinking about advertisements. If your church doesn't do some kind of advertising I can not tell you how hard it will be to grow it. Church outreach and advertisements are needed for that purpose alone! Building a church is one thing but let us remember why this is so important to us! It is easy watch repair for us to be caught in something we don't understand yet are unable for some reason to stop. Remember your church came together under Christ for one big goal. Our job as a church is to bring people to Christ! The biggest command God has given us is to win the lost to Him by spreading the word. Spreading the word is the same as advertising. Anytime you shout from the mountain top you are advertising. Our purpose is to advertise Jesus to the lost world and bring them home! No other message needs to stand out above that of the cross. Our voice should drown out all other ads in the paper or tv. Bringing people home to our Lord is our purpose. Always remember that one truth as you think of your churches advertising efforts. Remembering only this one thing will help you continue. It helps your cause when you really care about them. The lost really need to hear your voice. Who is it your trying to reach? Many that we love are the same groups of people we must reach out to. Every person that breaths this air on earth must hear of the saving grace of God. As the bible said "How will they hear without a preacher?" Your goal is to preach this good news in any way you can to as many people as you can! We do not have time to wait on advertising our churches. Does this church advertising business make sense now? Today is the day of salvation. Why not get started today advertising?Let us get started today with this task! Your church can not wait until a "better" time.I think your asking what you should do right now. I hope your thinking about that. Advertising depends a lot on who your talking to. Remember we have a wide group of people to effect. We should not expect one advertisement to reach everyone. This just means we have to focus on one type of person at a time. After one group is focused on we need to move to the next. We are going to be doing a lot of outreach so buckle up! Firstly get your thinking cap on. What kind of groups of people are at your church? Grouping people like this is something you can do quickly. When they get into their little groups at church you will see how to group them easily. Churches have groups get used to it. Churches simply get into little sub groups like that. It is human nature. Which one of those groups in the church is biggest? What are the ages of the people in the groups? Do they like things in a traditional way or a more up to date way? Your simply trying to find out what type of people would like your church the best. These are not the ones you want to advertise to first if you want change but if you are happy please focus on them! I sure hope the people you are looking at are good for your church now. Now lets say you are in a nice quiet country church with farms all around. Farmer John is not going to be too happy when the church advertises the new low rider city folk fund raiser is he. You may have thought of this already but you just simply need to ask the people in you church questions. How many types of activities do they like? If they have any life outside of church you may need to find out what they like. Ideas like these will start your church advertising off right. Now that you know what your advertising program is about it is time to think of how to get the word out. I bet farmer John will not know how to use a computer enough to find your advertisement online. They may visit the local farmers market Iphone 4s Game Controller a lot though! Placing some nice signs or a flyer and poster in those areas would be better than using a web based advertisement. Don't spare anything now!I hope that outreach program you are thinking about for your area will be great. It should be. After it is over you won't have time to relish in how good it was though. It would be best for you to get your thinking cap back on for the next round. Don't neglect any group in your church. You will have to build every group if you want to have a healthy church.

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