Friday, July 19, 2013

Choosing Freeze Or Portable Ice Makers

Ice makers having been in existence that long, in fact they were just introduced in the last century. At one time, ice was harder to acquire and if you lived in hotter climates, you needed to get huge blocks of ice delivered from imported industrial refrigeration plants or locations in colder climates. In hot locations, ice was often considered a luxury and ice was often extremely expensive. However, ice is necessary to keep food cold and fresh.

However, in the 20th century the invention of compact refrigerators brought food preservation and ice production into the home. By the 60s, the introduction of the automatic freezer icemakers made life a whole lot easier. The process for freezer icemakers is often simple: water is poured into a mold, left in the freezer until it turns solid and then the ice cubes are extracted.

Now many modern home refrigerators offer a more advanced icemaker options that work almost like an assembly line. These icemakers work with an electric motor, electrical heating units and electrically powered water valves that are connected to the electrical circuit, which powers the refrigerator. The icemaker is also then hooked up to the home water line so you can access fresh water for the ice cubes.

Although these refrigerator icemakers make life a lot more convenient, they are also very slow. Often process of freezing ice within the icemaker can take between 75 to 120 minutes. However, there are several factors that influence how long it takes to produce ice. These factors include freezer temperature, room temperature and humidity levels. Another complaint about freezer icemakers from consumers is the fact that the quality of ice being produced isn't that good. If you live in a location with hard water that contains many minerals this will affect the taste of your ice cubes.

Lastly, freezer icemakers store their ice in the refrigerator, which means the cubes can pick up odors from inside the freezer, and refrigerator. This means that many consumers find portable icemakers more practical than built in freezer icemakers.

The main benefit of portable icemakers is the fact that you can quickly produce ice cubes simply by plugging in the unit and pouring in water. This means you don't have a lot of set up time and you don't need to adjust the compression to maintain a specific temperature. Many portable icemakers have the ability to produce ice as quickly as six minutes. This also makes the portable icemaker ideal for parties and other gatherings.

Stainless Steel Ice Cubes also allow you to control the size of the ice cubes you want as well as the quality of your ice cubes. A portable icemaker allows you to use either bottled or tap water and a few models even allow you the flexibility of connecting the unit to your home water line. However, portable icemakers are also compact enough to be easily transported since they don't have any draining or direct plumbing involved. Comparing these pros and cons can help you to make the decision on which icemaker is best for your needs.

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