Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Talking About Colors in Online Printing

In most cases when you print things like booklets, newsletters or brochures, you don’t really need to mind the color. Most people just go to the publisher with their draft and everything is done. In online printing though, there is a difference. You have to mind the color, and it is important that Nail art you ask the online printing company the kinds of printing that they offer. This is the consequence of online printing, since you will be handling part of the burden in terms of color choice, and the color mode of your document.To explain all of these things to you about the color methods in online printing, we have created this little primer. This should have all the information that you need in terms of the color schemes that you will encounter in the online printing process.What you may normally use: RGBFirst, you should know about the RGB. In most applications this is the standard or default color mode you will be working on. It stands for Red, Green and Blue. This means that the document uses differing levels of the red, green and blue hues to achieve hundreds of different colors.The RGB color mode is perfect for most desktop publishing, and it is especially led light bulbs good for online publishing. However, if you plan on doing some online printing, some colors in RGB won’t appear exactly as in the monitor because some online printing companies use the four color CMYK process.What most printers use: CMYKMost printers today use the four color CMYK process. This stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. This means that the document in this color mode will mix the combination of those four colors into thousands of other colors. This is the clearest and most near-realistic type of printing available, and that is why most printers, including online printing companies use machines that cater to this process.The most common mistake that people commit in the CMYK process is in the conversion. While in some cases there is little difference between image documents, some other images will sometimes appear differently in RGB and CMYK. So sometimes, people complain that the printing has gone wrong because of the change in colors. Of course that is because they didn’t compensate well for the conversion to CMYK. So make sure that you check your image document by switching the color mode to CMYK if your software application allows it.Your other options: Spot ColorsFinally, if you feel that you need to save some printing money, but still need some color in your prints, they you can try to avail of the spot color service. This is a nice feature where you can tell your online printer to use only single inks (not mixed ones) into your printing. This adds a nice splash of color that isn’t as expensive as the full color printing process. Flyers, simple brochures and even some catalogs might benefit from this type of color printing scheme.Great! Now you know the different color modes and processes in online printing. Try to remember them so that you can apply the appropriate color mode at the appropriate time. Good Luck!